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Physics Year 12

Aims and Purpose/Intent Content Summary
• Understand theoretical concepts and practical applications of core concepts in physics.
• Develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of physics and how they relate to each other.
• Use theories, models and ideas to develop scientific explanations.
• Analyse and interpret data to provide evidence, recognising correlations and causal relationships.
• Develop competence and confidence in a variety of practical, mathematical and problem-solving skills.

Measurements and their errors:
The correct use of SI units in scientific measurement; limitations of measurements such as random and systematic errors, and correct use of associated terminology (e.g. precision, accuracy, repeatability, reproducibility); orders of magnitude and conversions.

Particles and radiation:
Simple model of the atom and the role of the strong nuclear force in maintaining the stability of the nucleus, alpha and beta decay from unstable nuclei; comparison of particle and antiparticle masses, charge and rest energy and use of the Planck constant; interactions between particles, including gravity, electromagnetic, weak nuclear and strong nuclear forces; classification of particles including hadrons, pions, kaons, lepton and muons, properties of strange particles; properties of quarks and antiquarks and application of conservation laws; the photoelectric effect, energy levels and photon emission; wave-particle duality.

Properties of progressive waves and stationary waves, including longitudinal and transverse waves; principle of superposition of waves and formation of stationary waves; theories of interference, diffraction and refraction at a planar surface.

Mechanics and materials:
Scalars, vectors and moments; equations for calculating motion along a straight line, projectile motion; calculations associated with momentum, work, energy and power, and the conservation of energy; bulk properties of solids materials including density, Hooke’s law; tensile strain and stress, elastic strain energy and breaking stress; the Young modulus and associated calculations.

Current–voltage characteristics, resistivity and applications of thermistors and superconductors; use of equations for resistors in parallel and in series; the use of potential.

Physics Year 13

Aims and Purpose/Intent Content Summary

• Understand theoretical concepts and practical applications of core physics concepts.
• Develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of the subject and how they relate to each other.
• Use theories, models and ideas to develop scientific explanations.
• Analyse and interpret data to provide evidence, recognising correlations and causal relationships.
• Develop competence and confidence in a variety of practical, mathematical and problem-solving skills.

Further mechanics and thermal physics:
Equations and calculations associated with circular motion and simple harmonic motion; studies of simple harmonic systems; forced vibrations and resonance; thermal energy transfer and the ideal gas equation; the molecular kinetic theory model and the application of associated calculations.

Field and their consequences:
Gravitational field theory including Newton’s law, gravitational field strength and gravitational potential; Coulomb’s law, electrical field strength and electric potential; capacitance including energy stored, parallel plate capacitors and capacitor charge and discharge; magnetic flux density of magnetic fields, magnetic flux and flux linkage, electromagnetic induction and the operation of transformers.

Nuclear physics:
Rutherford scattering, alpha, beta and gamma radiation and their applications; modelling radioactive decay and use of the half-life equation; nuclear instability and the nuclear radius; fission and fusion processes, and fission induced by thermal neutrons; safety aspects of nuclear physics.

Turning points in physics:
The discovery of the electron, including cathode rays, thermionic emission of electrons, and Millikan’s determination of electron charge; wave-particle duality, including Newton’s corpuscular theory of light and Young’s double slit experiment; discovery of photoelectricity; principles of electron microscopes; special relativity including the Michelson-Morley experiment and Einstein’s theory of special relativity.